Director will remain at E911
Published 12:23 am Saturday, May 16, 2009
The county must hire a new emergency management agency director after current director Kristi Stamnes announced Friday she will become the county’s fulltime E911 director.
Stamnes’ decision comes after the commission voted to end a nine-year agreement combining the position of EMA and E911 director in an effort to save an estimated $16,000-$24,000 annually.
Last week, Stamnes was given the option of becoming a fulltime employee of either EMA or E911. Now, her decision leaves the county with a vacant position.
“There were many factors that prompted me to choose E911,” Stamnes said. “I felt like it was the best decision for me and my family.”
Stamnes will continue to serve as EMA director until the county hires a replacement.
To do that, county administrator Brenda Petty said the county will follow “standard policy” and post the vacancy internally to allow current county employees the opportunity to apply if they meet the qualifications.
At present, Petty said it is unknown what those qualifications might be.
“I feel our current job description should be updated in light of new EMA and FEMA requirements,” Petty said. “I’ve been in contact with state EMA to assist me with more current requirements for the position.”
Petty said if no acceptable applicant can be found within the county service, the job will be posted on the Alabama Job Link website to allow outside applicants to apply.
“Neither of these postings will take place until the commissioners have approved the job description and set the salary range, so I’m not sure when it will be posted,” she said.
Previous discussions have called for a June deadline so that both directors would be in place before hurricane season begins.
It is unknown when the commission will move the EMA operations from the E911 building to the county administration building on Hillcrest Drive.
County officials say the majority of the savings will be seen by not replacing the fulltime assistant EMA director since a current county employee will be moved into the now-vacant position of part-time assistant director.