Jack Stokes, a friend and a true ‘character’
Published 12:04 am Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My friend, Jack Stokes, died Friday night, May 15. Some might have described Jack as “a character.” Well, Jack might have fit that description, but more than that, Jack was “a good man.”
I never knew Jack to ask for anything, but from me he received what he wanted, and that was merely friendship. But we valued and enjoyed that friendship and the resulting respect and regard.
Some time ago, when his health was good, Jack liked to laugh. And a hearty laugh it was! His laughter caused all around to either laugh or smile. His visits to see my mother in the nursing home, Andalusia Manor, greatly pleased her. Naturally, that was one of the things Jack did that made me grateful for his friendship.
And yes, he was “a character” who could lighten up my mother’s spirits for a few minutes every now and then in her final days. Now, thinking about Jack … those memories seem to come with a brightness, and I find myself smiling. Guess that’s what friends are for — to lighten up one’s load in life.
I need more true friends like Jack. We’ll all miss him.
Darryl DuBose
Hamilton, Va.