Spring: A fairyland outside
Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 17, 2010
This is my favorite time of year.
It’s a fairyland out there these days. Brambles run along the roadside. Wildflowers dot the woods. Fruit tree branches, decorated in various colors by nature, point to the sky. Crimson clover congregates in bunches next to the highway. I haven’t spotted any yet, but I know it won’t be long before fragile-looking pink or white primroses (my husband calls them buttercups) appear along the way. Gardeners give in to the urge to dig and plant in the rich earth. They lovingly place bedding plants in circles around trees or down carefully planned rows.
With every morning sunrise, something else lovely breaks into bloom. Even the azalea bush in our front yard trimmed almost to nubs after blooming last year has come alive. Despite its age, our front yard dogwood tree that always blooms later than the neighbors’ is prettier than it has ever been.
The white wisteria bush we relocated to another spot in the yard several years ago popped out in splendor a week or so ago. Now almost all the delicate petals droop, but it blessed us with its beauty in its brief prime. Its delicate perfume floated over the yard, propelled by soft breezes.
Ah yes, spring time is truly upon us.
Just yesterday, I saw several goldfinches clinging to the little bags of seeds dangling from a line in our back yard. They’ve been with us a while, and now their feathers have turned a brilliant yellow trimmed with black. Their beauty takes my breath. Our daughter spotted a small bird with blue feathers among the doves, sparrows, and ever-present squirrels feasting on seeds scattered on our patio. There are no bluebird houses in our yard this year, so I was pretty sure it wasn’t an eastern bluebird. I’d never seen one scratching among other birds. That same day an e-mail arrived from a friend. “Indigo buntings are here,” she wrote. “Watch for them in your yard.” I did. The very next day, the little blue visitor returned—an indigo bunting. What a thrill.
My husband and I have been walking for exercise since his January heart attack. I really enjoy passing neighbor’s yards and admiring their plants and trees adorned in their spring dressings. I love the breeze that caresses us.
I especially like the wonderful shade that shelters us from the sun as we pass giant water oaks with branches that sometimes stretch across the road. My husband delights in soaking up the sunshine, while I take advantage of any shade along the way. Now during this comfortable, pleasant weather we walk at different times of the day.
I know it won’t be long until we’ll need to confine our jaunts to early morning or late afternoon to avoid our extreme south Alabama heat.
As long as this pleasant springtime weather prevails, we’ll enjoy and praise God for his gift of the beauty of our surroundings.