Go green for Earth Day
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 21, 2010
This week’s 40th anniversary of Earth Day gives us good reason to remind readers to be just a little green.
Designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment, Earth Day was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in held on April 22, 1970 and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year.
What does it mean for us?
We could go green by organizing an effort to pick up litter in our community.
Or we could each take small steps each day, like:
Open the blinds instead of using lamps.
Receiving and paying bills online.
Using a reusable water bottle and brining a mug to the coffee shop.
Shopping at a farmer’s market and buying locally-grown food.
Use those green recycling bags provided by the city of Andalusia. There aren’t many places where recycling is as easy as taking a bag to the street once a week. The city picks up recycled paper, plastic and aluminum. If you aren’t using those green bags, call the city’s recycling center at 222-0862 to get a green bag today,
Recycle your cooking oil. It keeps our sewerage drains clean and helps both the City of Andalusia and Shaw Industries, both of whom are recycling oil as fuel.
Take a reusable tote with you to the grocery store and leave the plastic bags there.
When possible, take public transportation or walk. Walking to nearby destinations rather than cranking your automobile will make you and the earth healthier.
Use rechargeable batteries.
Save water by decreasing your shower time.
Get in the habit of brushing your teeth with the water off.
If each of us implanted these steps, we could make a difference in our world. Make a resolution to be green on Earth Day.