Support candidates who oppose gaming

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 15, 2010

The status-quo politics, as usual is like unto an old house that has become badly deteriorated, stale, stagnant, molded and mildewed and is in much need for a major make-over all the way from the foundation through the roof.
An appropriate time is at hand for us to refrain from any of our support to candidates that have supported and also failed to enforce the anti-gambling laws of our state.
There are no provision whatsoever in the initial constitution for funding public services with gambling money.
We have no more constitutional rights to vote on the gambling issues than we have such rights to vote on repealing all traffic laws. Think how devastating this would be to society if there were no traffic laws.
This same principal applies to gambling because it is addictive and also contagious because people go where the crowds go.
Legalizing gambling is indeed a giant step in the direction of liberalism. Alabama was constituted a conservative state, and we, the people, should always keep it that way.
I support a move to take back our rights for a government by the people, of the people and for the people, so long as these rights provide for and promote a healthy, better quality of life for everyone.
Jack D. Pollard