Roby understands need for low taxes

Published 11:35 pm Friday, July 2, 2010

I have had a number of people ask me why I choose to support Martha Roby for Congress.
I am proud to serve as Martha’s Covington County chair because of her proven conservative record. During her timer on the Montgomery City Council, Martha stoop up to those on the council that wanted to raise taxes.
Martha has consistently been against raising the taxes of  Montgomery and would continue to be against raising higher taxes in Congress. Our federal budgets are exploding with the tax and spend liberals that are currently running our country.
We need someone to represent us t hat understands that lower taxes help us financially and it also helps grow the economy. Martha understands that lower taxes create an environment that is friendly to  job creation.
I  urge everyone to join me in supporting Martha on July 13th so that we can send someone to Congress who does not support the tax and s pend liberals that are running our country in the ground,
Benny Jo Sasser