Andalusians should display flags more often

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 10, 2010

Today is July 4, Independence Day, a day we should be celebrating by flying our American flag and attending the church to thank God for the wonderful freedoms we are enjoying.

My husband and I rode thru downtown Andalusia and saw the beautiful sight of the U.S. flags flying in front of City Hall, the First United Methodist Church, and the Court House.

However, we were greatly disappointed that only a few businesses displayed a flag. We then rode thru several residential areas and saw a small number of flags flying.

We complain about what is happening to our great country; and, yet when we have an opportunity to show our love for it by flying the U.S. flag, we fail to do so.

If one looks back on the history of what happened to those men who signed the Declaration of Independence – some lost their lives, their fortunes, their family, etc. – we would at least fly the flag to show our appreciation to them for their sacrifices. Also, many men and women have given their lives or have been injured so we can celebrate our freedom and fly our flag.

I would like to see Andalusia become the most patriotic city in America.

If our servicemen and women can carry the flag forward in battle, why can’t we at least fly it at home?

Please, I hope next July 4 the people in Andalusia – businesses, churches and residents will proudly have a United States flag flying – what a beautiful sight that would be. That would be a great project for the citizens of Andalusia.

God bless American and long may “Old Glory” wave.


Edwyna F. Ivey,
