Do your civic duty, vote

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 10, 2010

Probate Judge Ben Bowden is expecting a low voter turnout locally in Tuesday’s runoff election.

In June, the draw of the Republican nomination for state House of Representatives seat, which is currently held by Speaker of the House Seth Hammett, was credited with drawing 30 percent of Covington County’s 21,292 registered voters out to cast ballots in the party primaries. That day, a total of 5,522 voters went to the polls.

With this Tuesday’s runoff ballot devoid of any local races, Bowden said voters could “easily decided not to vote” when faced with a conflict before heading to the polls.

“Human nature,” he called it.

However, every vote matters – a fact most recently demonstrated when Republican candidate for governor Tim James challenged his third place win after falling to behind Dr. Robert Bentley by 167 votes.

Tuesday’s elections are again party primaries, and voters will have to choose sides: Republican or Democrat.

On the Republican ticket, there are four races for party nominations – governor, agriculture commissioner, U.S. senator and public service commissioner.

The Democratic ballot has only one state race for attorney general.

And while the airwaves, telephone lines and newspapers are filled with last minute political ads asking for your vote, we encourage our readers to study the candidates, the issues, choose a primary and most importantly, vote on Tuesday.

Voting is a precious right, and we should make our voices heard in this and every election.