Judge hears immigration arguments

Published 12:00 am Friday, July 23, 2010

PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona immigration law came under new legal scrutiny in a packed courtroom Thursday as a federal judge considered whether the crackdown should take effect next week amid a flurry of legal challenges.

Judge Susan Bolton did not issue a ruling after two court hearings stemming from lawsuits brought against the law, which has reignited the national immigration debate.

The hearings drew considerable interest as Republican Gov. Jan Brewer and the Justice Department’s top lawyer in Arizona both attended, along with dozens of spectators.

Seven opponents of the law were arrested after they sat in the middle of a busy thoroughfare outside the courthouse and unfurled a massive banner that said

“We will not comply.”

Bolton has been asked to block the law from taking effect as she hears several lawsuits that question the constitutionality of the measure.