4-way causing some confusion

Published 12:00 am Friday, August 6, 2010

Motorists traveling in Opp will have until Monday to get accustomed to changes to the intersection at Covington Avenue and Main Street, which will soon be a four-way stop.

The usual stopping and starting downtown Opp was officially changed Tuesday, as city officials put up the four-way stop signs at the intersection.

City Planner Don Childre said the new change was working, “but there’s been a little confusion.”

Childre said the city set the traffic lights to flashing Tuesday and then posted the “Stop” and “Stop Ahead” signs at the intersection, but motorists haven’t been sure who has the right of way.

That, coupled with the construction and orange barrels all over town has created some confusion, Childre said.

“People don’t seem to understand who has the right-of-way,” he said. “The car to the right always has the right-of-way.

Childre said some have even run through the light. Despite the minor confusion, Childre said there have been no accidents reported at the intersection.

“We’ve got a police officer stationed out there on an as need basis,” Childre said. “They are not writing tickets yet, just giving verbal warnings. We don’t want to inconvenience anyone yet, but they need to stop and obey the law.”

“We will turn the lights off and take poles down Monday,” Childre said. Opp Mayor H.D. Edgar said he anticipates residents will get used to the changes soon.

“Once folks get used to it, it will be fine,” he said. “We are doing this in order to put our utilities underground and make our downtown a beautiful place.”

Motorists in Opp were introduced with new traffic signs Tuesday at the intersection of Covington and Main. The traffic signals will be taken down Monday. | Kendra Bolling/Star-News