Mansion purchase should be applauded

Published 3:18 pm Sunday, August 29, 2010

I would like to applaud Mayor Earl Johnson and the city leaders for their courage and conviction in buying the “Scherf Mansion,” as it has always been known to me.

The home is a historical landmark, and now, it will be preserved for decades to come.

This decision will be considered by some to be unwise, but I, and others, feel it was the correct one for our community.

The home is one of the few truly beautiful reminders of the past. Homes such as this are not built any longer. Many will say that the city has no business dabbling in moneymaking ventures such as this. But, that is exactly what it can and will be. The home can be available for city events, weddings and receptions. It will be a perfect place for the Andalusia Ballet to hold its annual gala. I am sure that there will be other uses for the home that have yet to have been thought of.

It is a win-win situation for Andalusia – a beautiful, historic home has been saved, and the community will have a wonderful venue for our fair city.

Amy Davis Williams