Lynn uses art to share his passion

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 12, 2010

With strokes of blue, yellow, black and red, David Lynn paints his passion – the Lord.

The stone table in Andalusia’s Robinson Park served as a painter’s table Monday, where an acrylic-filled palette and brushes lay in wait for inspiration to strike.

A sign proclaims free artwork if you’re willing to listen to a little testimony.

Lynn, with his ratty T-shirt and worn blue jeans, doesn’t depict a deeply religious man; however, one glance at his work, and it’s easy to see how his brushes could be pushed with divine help.

“Five years ago at Christmastime, I was praying for wisdom,” said the Straughn School Road resident. “I asked God to give me a gift. What he gave me was the gift of art. Now, I use that art to witness to anyone who will listen.

“I tell them that God is here. He is listening. All you have to do is talk to Him,” he said.

Lynn’s artistic style is uniquely different in that he doesn’t really have one. He varies from realistic faces, abstracts and even a bit of folk art; however, each piece features one specific subject – God.

“I tell people that I paint because of John 3:16, ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son,’” Lynn said. “This art is my life’s calling, and it’s all because of Him. I have to share it. He gave His son. I give my art. I tell people it’s my baby ministry. If they are willing to stand here and take in the glory of Him and listen to me for a while, this piece – it’s theirs.”

Lynn can be found in the park Monday through Wednesday from mid-morning until lunch.

“I do this because I have to share it,” he said. “I can’t help myself. This is my passion. This is my life.”

Wendy Laney and her daughter Hailey were awestruck by the display pieces.

“It’s amazing that someone can create something like this,” Wendy said. “It is truly a gift – not just because of the talent God gave him, but that he’s willing to share it with others.”

David Lynn works on his newest creation. His paintings vary in style, but all feature a central subject: God | Stephanie Nelson/Star-News