ACS approves fundraising
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Andalusia City School students will soon be on the fundraising trail once again after the board of education approved three fundraising requests at its Monday meeting.
The first was submitted by band director Benny Shellhouse and is designed to help raise money to purchase new tubas, said Superintendent Ted Watson.
The band is looking to raise approximately $3,000 by selling discount cards beginning Dec. 6.
The second, which was submitted by baseball coach Jonathan Rasberry, will be a dodge ball tournament on Jan. 8 at 10 a.m. Its goal is to raise money for new bats and equipment.
The last was a request to hold a Zumba dance class and is being sponsored by the AHS band boosters. The class will be held on Dec. 4 at 9 a.m. in the volleyball gym.
In other business, the board approved to hire Tawona Grandison as the JV cheerleading sponsor.