Ironing, cleaning fund ministry
Published 12:01 am Saturday, January 29, 2011
With one of its largest classes just beginning, Crossover Ministry is looking to expand some of its revenue bases.
Karen Bennett, public relations officer and work supervisor, said the women in the faith-based Christian recovery ministry clean churches and are starting an ironing service to raise funds for everyday operations.
“We need more churches to clean,” she said. “We will clean any church in the county, small or big. We currently are cleaning churches as large as Bethany Baptist Church.”
The women are available to clean churches on Wednesdays and Fridays.
“Our ladies are also going to begin ironing garments,” Bennett said.
The cost is $1 per garment, and those interested can contact Crossover or bring the garments to the ministry.
The ladies will be available on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays to iron.
Another way the community can help is by donating unwanted furniture and appliances to the Christian Service Center in Opp.
Bennett said the ministry receives half of the proceeds.
“We need more furniture and appliances,” she said. “They can call our office for pickup.”
Bennett said both the men’s and women’s programs began their year on Jan. 17.
The women’s ministry, which has only been in place for a little more than two years, has seven women in residence in the in-house program and two women in the after care in-house program.
Of those, only two are court-ordered.
“A lot of the class came on their own,” Bennett said. “These first four weeks are about saturating them with the word of God. They have different devotion leaders every day.”
During the first four weeks, program participants visit churches within the community to find a church home.
“It is vital for them to establish themselves in the ministry and find a church home,” Bennett said. “They do not get family visits these first four weeks. It’s strictly about concentrating on themselves.”
Once the four weeks are up, the participants choose a church home, and their families are allowed to attend church with them. Then they will attend church on Wednesdays, Sunday mornings and Sunday nights.
“We have a great group of ladies this year,” Bennett said. “It’s hard the first four weeks — a lot have small children. We’re expecting God to do great things in the ministry this year.”
See related story Pair, 21, work to overcome addictions.