Students selling serenades
Published 12:00 am Friday, February 4, 2011
Students at Andalusia High School will soon spread choral cheer around town.
As a joint project between the Student Government Association and the theater department, students are now offering singing grams as a creative fundraiser for Covington County’s Relay for Life.
“I thought it would be a great way to share the talents of some of our students with the community, while offering a unique service,” said Cavelle Jones, theater teacher. “My theater class divided into groups and each group chose a song, made it occasion-specific and choreographed a presentation.”
Jones said additional SGA students complete the groups and act as understudies.
“Ideally, the singing grams will be a success, “ she said. “And we will continue to offer them as a service throughout the year, expanding our repertoire to include all holidays and special occasions.”
Jones said the students will deliver the singing grams to any local business or public building and for an additional charge we will deliver a flower, balloon, snapshot of the moment or candy with the gram.
Cost is $15 for a basic gram with $5 going to Relay for Life.
Customers can choose from “Hello Dolly,” “Happy Together,” “Just the Way You Are,” “Smile,” “Never Going to Give You Up,” “1234” and “Celebration.”