Annual tirade on pedicures

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 18, 2011

There we stood in the parking lot after viewing a wonderful art exhibit by Margo Russell’s young students. Just four women chitchatting when someone mentioned feet, more specifically toes.

Well, it was actually a comment about toenails, a topic I seem to address every year when they come out of winter hiding and we don sandals and flip-flops. I shifted uncomfortably trying to hide my toes as the four of us were now all looking down at each other’s feet.

One friend’s beautiful daughter complimented her mother on changing the color of her toenails and expressed approval of her new polish. The other friend, who sported lovely pink nail polish, said it didn’t exactly match her outfit, but then she thought feet were not going to get much attention so she was fine.

However, we were giving them considerable attention. I didn’t say much, hoping for a new topic and soon.

As I’ve said before, I admire women with wonderful, perfectly polished toenails. They look beautiful and I am sure they also have well cared for, probably soft, feet. On the other hand, mine, if polished at all, also have chipped spots on at least a couple of toes. At worst, and most often, my feet have a couple of nails where only the tiniest bit of color remains hanging on for dear life.

On Sunday, they wore a mauve coating, and I mean coating, multiple coatings actually. In fact, there was so much polish layered over polish that removing it might call for the use of a paint scraper or blowtorch.

They were in this condition because I never think about redoing them until about 10 minutes before I need to head out the door. So, instead of remove and redo, I repair by layering over, leaves a rather bumpy looking mess.

Thankfully, no one got a good look at my slapped on, some polish on the nails some on the skin toes. And finally, the conversation moved up from feet to something else.

Still, it occurred to me how interesting it was that this topic came up. I doubt a group of men talking with each other ever consider feet. In fact, I’d be so bold as to say feet and more specifically toenails never cross their minds.

Could you imagine if they did?

“Well Fred, those are some fine looking toenails you’ve got there.”

“Ah thanks Joe. I dug the dirt out from under them and gave ’em a good clipping just for this cookout.”

Nope, men have it made when it comes to toenails. That is an area of concern that is pretty much a female thing.

This brings me back to the sorry state of my own nails. Summer is coming and they will be on display. So, I’m making a commitment to do better by them. Heck, I’ll jump all the way in and vow to improve the whole foot.

I will scrub and buff my lizard-skin-looking heels. I will moisturize with a vengeance. My toenails will sparkle with evenly applied color.

Yep, I will be ready the next time there is a foot discussion and I will proudly show off my soft-as-a-baby’s-butt feet with their well-manicured nails.

However, for now, on this morning, I am going to love my Nancy feet just the way they are and let them enjoy the day safely hidden away in my best pair of well-worn tennis shoes.