We all must work to preserve freedom

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 2, 2011

Would you be willing to risk your business, family and lifestyle to rebel against your government? If government were taxing you without representation, would you stand up and say “No more taxes”? Would you be willing to fight for your freedom and be jailed because you signed a petition against your government?

The signers of the Declaration of Independence were willing to sacrifice everything they owned and worked for to stop government from interfering in their lives. These 56 brave men came from all walks of life: farmers, lawyers, merchants. They knew that signing the Declaration of Independence from Britain would be considered treason. Many of these brave men fought in the Revolutionary War, were imprisoned as a result of war, saw their homes and property ransacked and their families uprooted, lost their land and livelihood and saw their sons fight for the cause of freedom.

Throughout the history of this great nation, we have witnessed brave men and women who willingly sacrificed their lives to preserve the freedoms Americans enjoy today. From the Revolutionary War, the World Wars to the War on Terror, battles continue to be raged to defend our nation’s freedom.

Not all wars are fought with weapons. Citizens should also be willing to stand up for injustice, over taxation, government interference in private life, and even new and better ideas for entrepreneurship and liberty. What will lead today’s citizens to take a stand for liberty? The greatness of this country comes from the people within who are willing to protect the freedoms we enjoy today. Think about what is important to you and how you could be involved to affect positive changes in your community through government, non-profit organizations, faith based initiatives, community activities and volunteerism.

This distinguished nation began with a group of independent men from all occupations who came together to create a homeland that would assure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Preserving those freedoms requires constant vigilance from those who enjoy them.

Susan B. McConnell
