Proud Andalusian adds note of thanks

Published 12:35 am Saturday, July 9, 2011

I would like to respond to the letter that appeared printed on July 2, 2011, and signed by Mignon Page and how she expressed the thanks to the city for all the many things that has been done to make our town, Andalusia, so clean and beautiful.

It makes me proud of our leaders that they were so interested in our town, to reach out and do the things needed. Besides the things that (Page) listed, I want to thank our mayor for the idea of the lights on the buildings all around the center of town. It is a beautiful sight at night, and the visitors can’t miss them.

I, too, am a longtime, proud citizen of Andalusia, having worked 41 years at Alatex, and also involved in the group that is trying to establish a memorial to the founders and all the workers on the Alatex property. Don’t give up co-workers; it’s in the making.

Thank you, mayor and city council men and women and anyone else for all you have done.

Rosalyn Tiller
