HA: Talks of new director

Published 12:03 am Friday, July 22, 2011

Though no one has directly confirmed that Opp Housing Authority director Janie Weeks has been let go, Thursday’s meeting was full of “when we get another director” talk.

Board president Allen Johnston said before the meeting that Weeks was on paid administrative leave, but hasn’t been paid yet.

Additionally, board member Charles Willis said that since the housing authority has a reserve, the authority has been notified its federal funding would be cut, although they do not know the exact total.

Housing authorities that have no reserve will get more funding, he said.

“When we get another director, things are going to get tighter as far as finances,” Willis said.

Willis is acting as the director in the absence of the executive director, he said.

Last week, in a special called meeting, board members voted to place her on administrative leave until “all legal issues are resolved” or there was further board action.

Yesterday, the board fielded questions from District 4 Opp City Councilman Davy Lindsey about how it will hire a new executive director.

“We run ads in the paper,” Willis said. “It’s our job to find the right person.”

Willis said that the housing director would have to have a minimum education, preferably with experience in HUD and Fair Housing issues, the ability to do accounting, some managerial experience and other criteria.

“But that’s if we get to that point,” Willis said. “We want Opp Housing to be the best in the state.”

Lindsey said he has heard a lot of different rumors in his district, but hasn’t had any specific complaints directed to him.

“I wanted to know what’s going on,” he said.