Dennis: Elvis lives on in our memories

Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 20, 2011

We’ve just seen the anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley.

I went to see him in person six months before he died at the Garret Collision in Montgomery on Feb 25. There were me, Janie Hattaway, Larry Hattaway, Connie Adams, which was Janie brother, and also Eddie Simmons, who went to see him on that cold night, and it was worth it all. We were four seats from him, and he was just right on us. I was frozen to my seat and could not move.

When we got there that night, there was a big sign said “Sold Out.”

From the time I knew who Elvis Presley was I started a collection of everything of him I could find. I have all of his records from big albums to the 45 ones, and pictures on the wall, books and even a statue of him on the floor. I have a little bit of everything of him.

Also, we almost have the same birthday. His is Jan. 8, and mine is Jan. 6. One thing I have wanted to do is to go to Memphis and Graceland but those days have gone.

I even have my ticket stubs from when we went to see him.

Barbara Sue Dennis