Opp: Keep debris off city streets

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 8, 2011

The City of Opp is cracking down on residents who do not pick up their mowed grass from the public streets and who do not cut the grass at their properties.

At Tuesday night’s council meeting, Council-man Jimmy Rogers asked if the city had an ordinance that prohibits “cutting grass and throwing it in the streets.”

Councilman Mickey Crew agreed.

“The grass is stopping up our drains,” he said.

Opp Mayor H.D. Edgar called the “litter” an “eye sore.”

“We swept Maloy Street (recently), and two days later there was grass in the street,” he said.

On Wednesday, City Clerk Connie Smith issued a warning regarding the matter.

“In the past, we have appealed to the residents of Opp to refrain from blowing cut grass onto our streets,” she said. “Unfortunately, our request has fallen on some deaf ears, therefore, we have no choice but to enforce the city’s litter ordinance.”

Effective immediately, the residents who deposit grass on the city street will be fined $325.

The first offense will result in a warning ticket, and the second offense will result in the fine.

“We are asking for your help in this matter,” she said.

Additionally, the Opp City Council approved abatements of two properties, both of which are located in District 2 and are overgrown lots with weeds.

Rogers said the first property at 313 Dorsey Street is a nuisance.

“The guy who lived there moved out,” he said. “The coastal Bermuda is high, and there’s a church on the street. I sent my men over there to cut a little bit of it.”

Smith said she has sent a letter to property owners and both the documented mortgage holder Michael Johnson and the property’s lien holder Jim Walter Homes, as well as to Mary Ann Danford, owner of 305 Rush Street. They will have 14 days to comply, Smith said.