Colson to speak at Monday’s Sav-A-Life banquet
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 15, 2011

Emily Colson is shown with her son Max. Colson will speak at the Sav-A-Life banquet on Monday night. | Courtesy photo
Nationally known author, artist and speaker Emily Colson will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Sav-A-Life banquet.
“It’s a fundraiser and it’s to inform the community about our ministry and to bring in a speaker that will be inspiring to those that attend,” said Jan White, spokesperson for the local Sav-A-Life, about the annual event.
Colson will share her struggle with her son 20-year-old son Max’s autism, as she and her father, Chuck Colson, have shared in their book Dancing with Max.
White said Colson has shared her story of hope in some of the largest churches in the country and on radio and television shows including Focus on the Family and The Huckabee Show.
“Her story is a celebration of life, inspiring others to preserve through their own challenges and see the gifts,” White said. “Emily has been a single mother for most of Max’s 20 years, with hard fought lessons in life, love and a whole lot of laughter.”
The banquet will also feature special music and an update on the ministry.
“You don’t want to miss this inspiring evening of ministry,” White said.
The event will be held Mon., Sept. 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the Kiwanis Community Center.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students, and are available at Tabby D’s Christian Book & Gift Shop; Larry’s Prescriptions, T&C Pharmacy, Florala Pharmacy and First Baptist Church.
For more information, call 222-0644.