Testing needed to find kidney for local child

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 22, 2011

As time grows short, locals are being asked to help find a kindey match for Tyson Banks Bogan, 7, who is fighting renal disease.

Cassandra Banks, Bo-gan’s mom, said Wed-nesday she is una-ble to be tested due to high blood pressure, but said her son desperately needs a kidney.

“His blood type is A-positive,” she said. “But the doctor says that a donor can be A or O.”

Bogan was rushed to University of Alabama-Birmingham hospital early Monday morning after experiencing three seizures. He is currently on the transplant list for a new kidney.

Banks said her son was in much better spirits on Wednesday afternoon.

“They’ve got him up,” she said. “He’s joyful today. Children’s Hospital – they’re just good.”

Anyone interested in being tested can call 205-975-9200 and stipulate you want to be tested for Bogan, or call Banks at 334-892-3797.