Free yoga class set next Friday

Published 12:41 am Saturday, September 24, 2011

A free yoga class is planned at 7 p.m. Fri., Sept. 30, at the new Chruch Street Cutural Arts Centre.

A yoga wave is rolling around the globe as a climax to the celebration of National Yoga Month that began Sept. 1. As part of that celebration, “A Time for Yoga: A Global Community Yoga Practice,” is set for 7 p.m. on Fri., Sept. 30, in the Church Street Cultural Arts Centre.

This is a free yoga class open to everyone including those who have never practiced yoga as well as students at all levels. It is one-hour yoga practice followed by savasana (relaxation) beginning at 8 p.m., and then a 15-minute meditation for universal peace and wellbeing at 8:15 p.m.

“It will be a gently flowing practice structured so anyone can comfortably take part in the class,” said instructor Nancy Blackmon. “The intent of the meditation is to join with others across the globe uniting in a desire for peace. That is why at 7 p.m. local time on Sept. 30, yoga students of all experience levels are encouraged to practice yoga as an international observance that creates a wave of yoga around the globe.”

A few yoga mats are available for use, but those planning to participate are asked to bring a yoga mat if they have one. In addition, everyone is encouraged to bring a blanket or pillow for use during meditation.

National Yoga Month is an observance designated by the Department of Health & Human Services designed to build awareness of yoga’s proven health benefits and to provide people with actionable guidance and tools to enhance their own wellbeing. Alabama participated in National Yoga Month with events in Mobile, Fairhope, Anniston and Birmingham among others.

While there is no charge for the class, anyone who wishes can make a donation and all donations go to the Church Street Cultural Arts Center.

For more information call Nancy Blackmon at 334-222-9091 or email