DTF busts meth- littering pair

Published 12:04 am Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One shouldn’t litter, especially when carrying meth-making ingredients and traveling in front of a car filled with Drug Task Force agents.

But, that’s exactly what landed Michael Eugene Bowers, 42, of Coffee Springs, and 43-year-old Ronnie Joe Presley of Samson in jail Tuesday.


Drug Task Force Commander Mark Odom said agents Greg Jackson and Roger Cender were behind the men’s vehicle on Stewart Street in Opp, when they saw a beer can tossed out the window.

Odom said the agents pulled the vehicle over to cite the passenger for criminal littering, but instead, discovered two boxes of psuedoephedrine – one of the key ingredients in manufacturing of methamphetamine.

“When they pulled the car over, it was obvious the driver was intoxicated,” he said. “When he gave consent to search, agents found the boxes of pills, which the two admitted were going to be used to make meth.”


Odom said Bowers, the driver, was charged with driving while under the influence and second-degree manufacturing. He was booked into the Covington County Jail and held on a $210,500 bond.

Presley was charged with criminal littering, public intoxication and second-degree manufacturing.

He was arrested and held on a $201,000 bond.