New rules at Hardin Street Center

Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 10, 2011

Locals wishing to rent the Hardin Street Community Center in Opp now must abide by new rules adopted by the Opp City Council Monday night.

The rules were necessary to help provide a better environment for all involved and since the Head Start center is no longer housed there, officials said.

“The center is for all of us,” Mayor H.D. Edgar said. “So, let’s take care of it. Please, help keep our building clean and your guests safe.”

Effective Tuesday, anyone hired or receiving compensation for providing service in any manner at the center must purchase a business license from the city. The Opp Police Department will monitor and check for licenses, officials said.

Cost is $50 per event, and the center may not be used on Sunday unless there is a church function, family reunion, baby or bridal shower.

Officials said all showers on Sunday must begin at 1 p.m. and end by 4 p.m.

Parties the rest of the week must end at midnight. Guests are expected to leave the premises and clean-up must begin, and only one event or party will be booked at the same time.

Officials said fire code limits the dining room and kitchen to no more than 70 people.

No fighting will be tolerated, and if reported, police will shut down the party.

Officials said the police can shut the party down at their discretion, and no refunds will be given.

Additionally, if the police are called to the event twice, it will be shut down, without refund.

Those renting the building will be given a walk through and will be instructed on how to clean before leaving and returning the keys, officials said.