Shopping ‘small’ can have big impact

Published 12:00 am Saturday, November 26, 2011

Whether you were brave enough to fight the crowds yesterday, Black Friday, or your focus is firmly on Cyber Monday, today is a very important day for local merchants.

Dubbed Small Business Saturday, this is a day to support the local businesses that create jobs, boost the economy and preserve neighborhoods here and around the country. Small Business Saturday is a national movement to drive shoppers to local merchants across the U.S.

The program was started by American Express in 2010. The charge-card company promises to give a $25 credit to shoppers who register their American Express card and spend at least $25 at an independent store today.

In recent weeks, the company has been building steam for the second-annual event through grassroots efforts and a national television advertising campaign. It also has attracted nearly 2.5 million “likes” on its Facebook page, and drawn the support of large organizations including FedEx and Google.

Every dollar you spend at home helps our community.

First, retail is a tough business, and many retailers depend upon a good “season” – usually the holiday – to stay in business.

Secondly, local businesses support local civic groups, charities, and organizations, giving back to our community.

Finally, the sales taxes collected on goods sold locally insure that we have good roads, funding for education, public parks, law enforcement protection, and many, many other services on which we rely.

We hope you’ll do your shopping at home this holiday season, and make an effort to support locally-owned businesses today.