God gave us the greatest gift on Earth – his son

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 17, 2011

Clyde Northrop


The way I understand it, God doesn’t get any surprises. So, if you want to wrap anything up for him for Christmas, it won’t help to close the door and wrap in a dark room. He was not even surprised by the way the people treated Jesus when he left heaven and came to earth for a 33-year stay. He was not amazed that there was no room in the inn of Bethlehem or even the conditions where Mary gave birth. God was not stunned by the shepherds, the angels, the Wise Men or the star they followed. He was not taken aback by the murderous Herod or flabbergasted that Jesus was tortured to death on a cross.

You may think that God is put off by some of the things you do or the thoughts that run through your mind. But consider that God knew full well what you were going to be like before Jesus came to earth and eventually went to the cross as a sacrifice ample for you.

Many people believe that the Magi were the first to give gifts in association with Christmas. Consider instead that Jesus came into the world more than 2,000 years ago as the first gift of Christmas (Luke 1:6-14), and He is still the gift that counts.

You can receive the gift of Jesus by choosing to believe in Him. Millions have already received Jesus Christ by believing that He is the only begotten Son of God. When Christ came from heaven to Earth, He told His disciples, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.”

When you accept God’s gift of Jesus, He comes with another out of this world present. We read in John 1:11-12, “But as many as received him, to them gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” What a gift!

Jesus is the first gift of Christmas, and He is the gift that keeps on giving. It will take a lifetime of Christian living to realize the gifts that accompany Christ. When you accept Jesus, the gift of God, the Holy Spirit will move in and help you unwrap gift after gift that God has reserved for you. Some of these gifts are given to many of God’s children. Others are uniquely for you. Paul writes that that every Christian is to cultivate the gift of love. Rejoice as we celebrate this Christmas together in God’s love.