Opp declares 6 vehicles surplus

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Opp City Council declared six vehicles surplus at its Monday night council meeting.

The city is still discussing what to do with the vehicles, including taking bids on some and selling others at a surplus equipment auction in Florida.

The council voted to declare a 2004 Ford E450 bus surplus; however, City Clerk Connie Smith said that they will have to ask the state if it’s OK to sell it.

“They paid for 80 percent and we paid for 20 percent,” she said.

The council also declared the following surplus:

• a 2004 Ford Crown Victoria;

• a 2000 Ford Crown Victoria;

• a 2003 Auto Car Garbage Truck;

• a 1985 Ford F350; and

• a 1999 Ford F150