Like Mary, we are blessed and highly favored by the Savior

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 24, 2011

And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth. To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou art highly favored, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women. (Luke 1:26-28)

There are many times that we Christians have felt dejected and rejected. There have been times when it seemed that we were at the end of our rope, and we were not going to make it. However, if there are Christians feeling like that today, I’m bringing you good news! You are blessed and highly favored!

This was the good news that the angel Gabriel brought to Mary. He let her know that she was blessed and highly favored. She was favored because, of all the women who would ever live, God chose her. Mary was blessed because God chose her to be the mother of Jesus, the son of God.

This same good news is applicable and relevant in our lives today. If we are truly Christians, then we have the favor of God on our lives because He has chosen us. The Bible tells us that we are a chosen race, and we are blessed just as Mary was blessed, but with just a little twist. You see, Mary conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Ghost and gave birth to Him on Christmas morning. He is a blessing to the whole world. The Holy Ghost imparts the Spirit of Christ in our hearts, and Christ births ministries through us so that we can be a blessing to others. Like Mary, if we fully understand just how blessed and highly favored we are, then let us respond in the same manner that she responded. Mary praised the Lord with all that was within her and said, “My soul doth magnify the Lord.”

Our true blessing lies in the full purpose of Christ, and that is to bring peace on earth, good will to men from God. If man will accept God’s peace offering (Jesus Christ), then he knows the real meaning of blessed and highly favored. Let those of us who now understand that we are blessed and highly favored forget about our past rejections and our present feeling of dejection. Let us think about our future of everlasting joy that we will spend with God, so that we may glorify and magnify His name in this Christmas season. Have a blessed and highly favored Christmas.


The Rev. Willie J. Denson is pastor at St. Paul AME Church in Brundidge and a member of the local ministerial society.