$4M for vacation could help many

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I hope each and every one of you had a wonderful, memorable, fun and safe Christmas.  If you were like us, the economy might have ruled on what you bought, but the love in giving and sharing and making of memories was priceless.
As I watched the Angel Trees around the county be a beacon of giving to children who might otherwise have no toys, to seeing some elderly survive without family members or friends to wish them Merry Christmas; or to hear of the special giving of a new home built with love for a military warrior who lost his sight, face burned and other life debilitating problems and the whole town proclaimed him a hero; to the many selfless acts of kindness that are highlighted at Christmas time but are performed daily by regular guys and dolls; and to the ones privileged enough to provide meals to those less fortunate. All of this gives me such fulfillment, and I thank God for all his blessings.
Then I read where (President) Obama and his family, using two different trips to get there, along with security and the lavish abode we paid for that he rented for him and his family at the price of some $4 million – $4 million for a Hawaiian vacation. I would say for their Christmas holiday, but I’m not really sure he says Christmas.
I wonder if the thought even crossed his mind, even for a flee(t)ing moment, about the many security, and others who are required to follow him, if he chooses to go somewhere like that.  About how they have to give up being at their homes with their children and spouses not to count the extended family members that are just out of luck!? He makes out how the press looks forward to being privileged to be able to cover his trips. Give me a break! Don’t you know as busy as these people’s schedules are that a long, leisurely Christmas all snug as a bug in a rug with their families and friends at their homes would be their first choice?  Now if he had decided to stay at the White House and saved all our money, well, he could use that spread-the-wealth mentality of his that he boasts so proudly of and pause for the cause and give each household say a $1,000.  But NOOOOOO!
I then read where the Occupier, stated that they have done their research and concluded that Jesus was absolutely the first liberal, radical Socialist since the beginning of time.  That he had the same mentality as them. That he distributed among the less fortunate.
Perhaps they are confused. Now, I believe Jesus and the Conservatives who are mainly made up of Christians or faith-based people, believe in charity, not redistribution.
Perhaps these OCCUPY CHRISTMAS DEMONSTRATORS need to go back and read THE 45 GOALS OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY, go look in the mirror and I bet they might find themselves. What you think?
Janet Ezell
Red Level