Autism help coming to Opp City Schools

Published 12:37 am Friday, January 20, 2012

The Opp Board Of Education met Thursday and took the following action:

• approved contract services for Whitnee Meade to be paid out of special education funds for work with the eight children within the system with autism.

“We want to do what’s best for our children,” Assistant Superintendent Emily Edgar said. “It’s important to remember that one plan doesn’t fit all.”

Edgar said Andalusia City Schools Special Education Coordinator Sonia Hines uses Meade and has seen great results in the little more than a year of work with students.

“Initially, she’ll come in and do an evalution,” Edgar said. “She gets to know the child then works with staff on techniques for the child.”

Edgar said she will try to coordinate with Andalusia and Covington County on when Meade will come to help share some of the costs associated with her assistance such as lodging.

“We’ll see her a lot to being iwth until our staff gets acclimated,” she said.


• accepted the low bid of $48,900 from Catrett Construction to replace the roof on the Opp City Schools Transportation facility, which is priority one on the capital plan.

“This will fix the flat areas of the roof, not the top part,” Superintendent Michael Smithart said. “These areas are leaking. This should see us through our lifetimes.”

• accepted the resignation of Amanda Ellison as Opp Middle School cheerleader sponsor and named Kerri Anderson the new sponsor.

• adopted a board policy that would put the system in compliance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board in regards to fund balance reporting and governmental fund definitions.