Newton takes dream on cross country ride
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 21, 2012
James Newton is a man living his dream.
Spotted Monday morning traveling through Andalusia on a horse and covered wagon, the long line of traffic stood as a testament to his method of taking it slow and easy.
Newton said he left Corpus Christi, Texas, in February 2009.
“Since then, I’ve been just traveling,” Newton said. “Making my way from here to there. I’ve been across eight states, and right now, I’m headed to Louisiana.”
Being on a tight timetable – and considering the lack of an optimum stopping stop, Newton apologized for his inability to discuss his trip further.
However, passersby could easily see inside his small covered wagon, which was filled with the necessary trip items – a cooler filled with drinks and eats; a radio to break up the quiet; a bale of hay for his traveling partner and his best friend – a beagle.
A Star-News staffer said she also spotted Newton as she traveled back home from a weekend trip to Georgia.