Ramsden: They were just a different team

Published 12:02 am Friday, March 30, 2012

Andalusia’s Cole Bush (16) urges Cameron Phillips (3) to advance. | Kendra Bolling/Star-News

Andalusia only needed one goal to get over the scoring hump Thursday night in its last soccer match of the season, and the Bulldogs managed to squeak two by on penalty kicks in a 4-2 loss to Charles Henderson at the Kiwanis Field.

AHS freshman Kevin Rooks scored both goals on penalty kicks at the 21 and 70-minute mark for the Bulldogs.

Approximately 200-300 people were in attendance at Andalusia’s home match against the Trojans, and when the Bulldogs netted their first goal, coach Tim Ramsden said “it was unbelievable.”

“We had a big crowd out there,” Ramsden said. “The crowd was really behind us. The players were very, very excited.

“They were just so pumped up to play in front of their home crowd for the very first time,” he said. “They were just a different team. They never left anything on the field.”

The last time Andalusia played against CHHS, the Bulldogs fell 9-0, and Ramsden said the team was “totally different than any game we’ve played.”

“I’ll tell you, I’ve never been prouder to coach a team than I have (Thursday night),” he said. “They just played phenomenal. They played with a lot of heart.

“They made their school and the City of Andalusia very proud tonight.”

Andalusia isn’t going to hang up its cleats anytime soon. The Bulldogs will keep practicing until the sectional playoffs begin late next month.

“We’re sad that it’s over,” Ramsden said. “Now that they have a taste of how to play good, physical soccer, they all want to keep going.”