River Falls granting amnesty on April 5

Published 12:04 am Saturday, March 31, 2012

The River Falls municipal court will be giving those with certain outstanding warrants a chance to clear their records without being arrested during the town’s court amnesty day on April 5.

Amnesty court will be held at the town’s municipal court on Firehouse Road in River Falls from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The amnesty court will help the court clear its docket and outstanding arrest warrants, and it will help those with outstanding warrants avoid being arrested and get their suspended drivers’ licenses back.

The amnesty court, which will be held before the court’s magistrate, will only cover the outstanding arrest warrants for traffic tickets and payment order violations. Fees for past due citations will be waived, but the original citation fines will be due in full. Anyone with charges of driving under the influence or drug cases will need to be at court at 5 p.m. They must appear before the Judge to pay their fines, and then the warrant will be recalled.

No warrants will be served on that Thursday, but the warrants will remain in effect until that date.

Only cash, money orders or bank certified checks will be accepted for payments. No personal checks.

Anyone who plans to come to court on amnesty day is asked to call 222-3510 before April 5, so the clerk can gather all of the necessary files.