Seniors feel squeezed

Published 12:08 am Saturday, April 7, 2012

Dear Editor,

I read Profile 2012, “Pride in our past, hope for our future,” published by the Andalusia Star-News. I would like to bring attention to the Adult Activity Center located directly behind the new Cultural Arts Center, formerly Church Street School. I think it is a great asset.

The Adult Center was built for seniors’ entertainment and to have a place to meet for fellowship. Seniors helped make up money by having cake walks, donating money in fund raisers, etc. to help build the center.

It bothers me that we are put on the “back burner”, so to speak There has never been a sign erected out front for people to even know what this building is. New people retiring and moving here are left in the dark about it.

Seniors feel like they are being squeezed out. The Arts Center takes over the parking lot on Friday night, leaving seniors to park wherever they can. They may not realize seniors use this parking lot on Friday night for the dance. If they use it, it would help matters if they would not use spaces near our building. Seniors have more problems walking than younger people. So, please be considerate if you park there.

Dianne Jones does a tremendous job with activities of all kind. If you have never been to the center, please go by, visit and see what you have been missing. You don’t have to dance to go on Friday night. There is good music, good fellowship, lots of friends, and we would like to invite you to be a part of this.

Every third Thursday there is a dinner and dance from 10:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. No admission fee, just bring a covered dish.

I hope this letter will make everyone realize that they will be seniors before they realize it. So come visit. See what is there now and, hopefully, will still be there for you one day.

Nell Williams

Harmony Church Road
