If South’s votes had counted

Published 12:00 am Saturday, April 21, 2012

Dear Editor:

This Monday is an official state holiday: Confederate Memorial Day; and April is designated Confederate History Month in Alabama.

The large opposition by the northern people to Lincoln’s Tax War was a tremendous asset to the Confederate States.

Nearly half (45 percent) of all Northerners supported a voluntary union for the United States, as established by the founding fathers, and opposed Lincoln’s new compulsory union to collect taxes from Southerners for Lincoln’s Wall Street partners.

Even in Franklin County, N.Y., on the border of Canada, District Attorney W. A. Dart wrote to Lincoln’s Secretary of State, Sept. 23, 1861, “In several of the towns nearly as many persons could be enlisted for the Southern Confederacy as could be for the United States.”

These Northern Confederates almost defeated Lincoln’s reelection in 1864 with their political platform to end the war immediately and sign a peace treaty with the Confederate States.

Their presidential candidate, George McClellan, received 45 percent of the northern vote and, if southern votes were allowed, Lincoln would have been handily defeated.

Whereupon today, the Confederate States and United States would be voluntary unions of sovereign, independent states, instead of a compulsory union of colonies of the federal government.


Roger Broxton


Confederate Heritage Fund
