ACS approves personnel changes

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Andalusia City Schools approved the following personnel changes at last night’s meeting:

• Linda Mellown retired as an English teacher at AHS;

• Jody Adams resigned as a special education paraprofessional at AMS;

• Will Cammack resigned as a special education paraprofessional at AES;

• Non renewed Jasmine Malone, sixth grade reading teacher, Victoria Adams, social studies teacher and Cecil Johnson, math teacher at AHS;

• Granted tenure to Lauren Lawson, special education teacher at AMS; Lynn Starnes, third grade teacher at AES; Candi Parker, sixth grade teacher at AMS; and Rob Mixson, assistant principal at AMS;

• Transferred Cindy Strong to special education paraprofessional at AES from AHS;

• Hired Mathew Mellown as a special education paraprofessional at AES and Carrie Browning as fifth grade teacher at AES.

-Kendra Bolling