3 Florala teens arrested

Published 1:07 am Friday, May 25, 2012

Three Florala teens have been arrested for allegedly burglarizing a local elevator business.

Florala Police Chief Sonny Bedsole said the teens – 19-year-old Camren D. Marshall, 18-year-old Levi T. Dukes and one unidentified juvenile – were wanted in connection with a break-in at Southeast Elevator Company in the early hours of May 14.

“The group got two laptops, cut off cords to power tools and got welding rods and a bunch of other items,” Bedsole said. “Then, they tried to sell it at the metal place in Paxton, (Fla.).”

Bedsole said Marshall was arrested Tuesday, while Dukes turned himself in to authorities at the Covington County Jail Wednesday after hearing there was warrant for his arrest. Each was charged with burglary III and theft of property I and booked into the and held on a $30,000 bond.

Bedsole said the juvenile was turned over to the juvenile authorities.

“Through this investigation, evidence has come to light that the group may have been involved in other burglaries in the area, but this case and the others are still under investigation,” he said.

Bedsole said other charges against the teens may be forthcoming in the future.