Honor grads encourage others

Published 1:04 am Friday, May 25, 2012

Pleasant Home graduates toss their caps in celebration.

Honor graduates at Straughn, Red Level, Opp, Pleasant Home and Florala last night shared encouraging words with their classmates during commencement exercises last night.

“This is the first day of the rest of your life – enjoy it,” was the advice Florala High School valedictorian Paige Irwin gave her fellow graduates.

“And even though the next chapter in our life is as scary as that first day of high school, just remember, it’s another step in the journey,” Irwin said.

RLS valedictorian Courtney Douglas said to cherish your memories, and take them “wherever you may go.”

“As we begin the next journey of our lives, remember to always follow your hopes and dreams, no matter how humble or ambitious they are,” Douglas said. “Thank you for an amazing journey. Never settle for mediocrity. If you can imagine, it you can dream it.”

Hayden Nall, the RLS salutatorian, spoke about the many years the senior class spent together.

“Looking ahead, the opportunities are amazing,” she said. “Seniors, don’t look back. Embrace each challenge.”

Straughn valedictorian Kari Biggs challenged each of her classmates to find their personal “treasure.”

“I challenge each of you tonight to find your treasure,” Biggs said. “By treasure, I’m not talking about money or material possession, but only something in life that you’re passionate about and pursue it.

“Tonight not only marks the end of our high school career, but also marks the next chapter in our lives,” she said.

Danielle Fowler, the SHS salutatorian, reminded her classmates that SHS has given them everything they need to succeed in life.

“Now, it is time for us to move on, to take the many gifts that Straughn High School has given us, and to apply them to our journey in life,” Fowler said. “It will be a sad parting, but also a memorable one.”

Opp valedictorian Jared Allen, who transferred to Opp this year, thanked his classmates for their acceptance.

I might not have attended school here since kindergarten or even all four years of high school, but thank you for treating me like I have,” he said.

He also encouraged his classmates to work for their dreams.

“Trying gets more results than trying nothing,” he said.