Opp continues projects to improve city’s appearance

Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 26, 2012

Improving the aesthetics of the city of Opp was the topic of discussion at Thursday night’s council meeting.

The council voted to table the 607 Hart Ave. property owned by Buddy Danley that was up for abatement due to overgrown weeds, vines, shrubs and dead trees and debris, because Mayor H.D. Edgar said he felt that a courtesy phone call was in order.

“I think we should do this for everyone,” he said.

City Planner Don Childre said it has been four or five years since anyone has lived at the residence.

Edgar told the council a curbing project was under way.

“We’re doing curbing and sidewalks, and moving around town to make things looks a lot better,” he said.

Edgar said they are still waiting on money that was requested to repave Hwy 84 West and Barnes Street. Both are highly traveled areas, he said.

The city has requested about $1 million in DOT grant money, but Edgar said they received word that funding has been delayed.

“We probably won’t be in the first round, but hopefully we’ll be in the second round,” he said.

Edgar said the city hired an engineering firm to help decide which of the highly traveled streets were in the most disarray.

“Hwy. 84 West is spider webbing, and it’s just a matter of time before it comes up,” he said. “There are places on Barnes Street that already do that.”

Councilman Jimmy Rogers said there are places on Hwy 331, specifically at the intersection of Hwy. 52 and near the stockyard that need restriping.

“Opine needs striping, too,” Edgar said. “We have to have a day or two of work to get a professional company in to do it. We may be close enough now.”

Additionally, Edgar said he hopes the city’s street department can start a patching project around town this summer.