Board: Go back to drawing board

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Andalusia City School Board announced Monday the majority of architects have been back to the drawing board after seeing the excitement surrounding a proposed two-story middle school building.

The board did not vote on an architect for a new sixth grade wing at the elementary school and a new middle school facility at the high school campus as was expected.

Plans were submitted by McKee & Associates; Godwin-Jones; Goodwin, Mills & Cawood and Donofro and Associates; however, the biggest discussion came behind Goodwin, Mills & Cawood plans for a $5.39 million two-story AMS building.

Earlier this month, board members agreed to solicit more realistic construction numbers from the four architects before making a decision, but on Monday, Superintendent Ted Watson and board members voiced their decision to give other firms a chance to submit a two-story plan.

“The majority of the architects submitted a single-story concept,” said Dr. Bill King, board president. “But when people in the community saw the two-story concept, they got excited. So, we said to the other firms, to be fair – and if they wanted to – go back to the drawing board and present a two-story concept.”

King said the board is “not pushed for time,” and plans to fully examine each proposal.

“Not all the figures are in,” Watson said. “We’re trying to get all the prices together so the board can make the best decision possible.”

Watson also said construction at the AHS P.E. facility “is coming along nicely,” and that a meeting is set for today at 10 a.m. with architect Joe Donofro to discuss the project’s progress.

“There’s a lot of movement going on out there,” Watson said of the site. “(Today) will mark the beginning of the cleanup and painting outside. They’ve assured me it will be ready by mid-August.”

In other business, the board voted:

• to hire Wanda Morgan as a secretary at AHS;

• to move Child Nutrition Director Stephanie Dillard from a 10-month employment contract to a 12-month contract; and,

• to award bids for bread, slush and milk products for the system.