Andy council abates 4 properties

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Andalusia City Council Tuesday OK’d four property abatements, mostly for violation of the weed ordinance, including:

• Property at the corner Church Street, Auburn Avenue and Jackson Street

• 500 Auburn Ave.

• Corner of River Falls Street and Allen Avenue

• 626 Rankin St.

In addition, the council set costs for completed abatements for:

• 316 Stewart St., $246.

• 210 River Falls St., $342.

• Property on Weant St. behind Cedar Apartments, $2,421.

The council also:

• Agreed to contribute $500 to the Andalusia Civitan Club for its Barrels and Bulls competition.

• Amended the city’s personnel policy for lunches for sworn police officers and certified firefighters who aren’t guaranteed a lunch, as they are required to answer if they are called out.

• Declared Councilman Terry Powell and city BOE members Amy Pitts Dugger and Bill King elected. The three were unopposed.

• Declared two 2003 Crown Victorias from the police department surplus. The vehicles have been cannibalized and will be junked.