It’s just the coolest

Published 12:04 am Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Caleb Walker uses his electronic video magnifier, which has changed his school day. | Stephanie Nelson/Star-News



C aleb Walker says it’s just the coolest.

While others are pining for a new iPad or wishing for an iPhone 5 for Christmas, Caleb is happy with the electronic video magnifier (EVM) that has changed his school day.

The Pleasant Home School student was born at 23 weeks weighing only a pound and with a detached retina. He was diagnosed with retinopathy of prematurity.

Sight Savers America provided the new technology last December at no cost to his family. The technology has had dramatic impacts on learning ability, scholastic performance and self-esteem of children who receive them.

Caleb said in the past it was “super hard” to see the viewfinder, but he is earning As and Bs now.

He uses a different device at home that includes a camera and the option of turning the screen black and white, as he sees colors differently than most people.

Sight Savers America provides comprehensive eye care for more than 40,000 children each year through a network of child referral agencies, medical providers and other eye care professionals. The children’s eye care network provides vision screenings, eye exams, eyeglasses, medications, surgeries, low vision assessments, vision aids and other therapeutic vision treatments.

It also performs comprehensive, school-based, head to toe health screenings for more than 30,000 children each year; including blood pressure, BMI, respiratory rate, ear/nose/throat, temperature, dental, vision, hearing, and medical insurance status.

Sight Savers does not charge for its services.