Gunter: Discuss water bills today
Published 12:03 am Saturday, December 1, 2012
River Falls town officials are making some progress in getting things back on track with its water system.
Mayor Patricia Gunter said Friday that members of the town council will be available today and next Saturday to discuss residents’ water bills and any past due balances.
After the town’s former mayor resigned after pleading guilty to stealing more than $200,000 in town funds, the new council administration began correcting issues such as not billing for water usage, establishing and enforcing business licenses and garbage pick up.
Gunter said town officials are researching public opinion on garbage pick up, and that members are still trying to get information together to adopt a business license schedule for next year.
“We are making some progress, and I sure wish there was a quick fix, but there’s not,” Gunter said. “We’re working on things.
“We’re asking that citizens bring any receipts they may have for bills already paid, and also, any residents that are on the city’s water system and are not receiving a bill need to come and get their name added to the customer list,” she said.
Staff will be on hand each day from 8 a.m. until noon.
Town clerk MaryAnn Andrews said to residents, “If you have arrears or concerns about your water bill, please bring a receipt, a copy of a canceled check or your bank statement to me Monday through Thursday between 8 and 5 so I can look over your bill and get it corrected.”
She said those who don’t have proof of payment should come today and discuss their account.
Gunter said a meeting this week with the Alabama Department of Environmental Management and Alabama Rural Water “went very well.” The groups met to discuss proper water testing and reporting procedures.
“They just wanted to bring us up to speed as to what types of reports must be kept and how long to keep these,” she said.
Gunter said a major water leak was repaired on Nov. 17, “and now we are working towards getting the smaller ones repaired.”