County sits in middle of state health rankings

Published 12:18 am Thursday, March 21, 2013

Covington County ranked as the 22nd healthiest county in the state according to a national report released Wednesday.

The rankings by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute were based on an analysis of 25 health factors or outcomes, including: access to health care; air and water quality; high school graduation rates; obesity; smoking; teen births; and unemployment.

Shelby County ranked the healthiest county, while Lowndes County is the least, the report stated.

Rounding out the top 5 of 67 counties in Alabama: Baldwin (2), Lee (3), Madison (4) and Limestone (5).

Sharing the bottom 5 positions with Lowndes are (from worst): Walker (66), Hale (65), Perry (64) and Wilcox (63).