Only $33K collected for Relay so far

Published 12:02 am Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Covington County Relay for Life effort is two-thirds away from its $105,000 fundraising goal for 2013, but organizers hope that margin will dwindle before the April 26 event.

In 2012, area teams raised $103,000 – a total Chairman Larry Brown believes this year’s event can beat. To date, $33,800 has been collected in sponsorships.

Relay for Life is an organized, overnight community fundraising walk designed to serve as a culmination of months of fundraising to fight against cancer. There are 15 teams registered to raise funds for this year’s event.

Last week, the City of Andalusia’s Relay team held three fundraisers, raising more than $10,000. On Saturday, the Andalusia Wal-Mart team will be selling hamburger plates for $5 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

“Everyone is working so hard at their fundraisers,” Brown said. “That’s why I think this year’s total is going to be great. We haven’t counted any of the money they’ve raised. That will be collected and counted on April 22, at what we call ‘bank night.’”

Bank night will be held at CCB Community Bank from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m.

Brown said any individuals collecting Relay donations should turn those in that night as well.

There is also time left to organize a Relay team, he said.

“I talked with our area (Relay) director, who said it’s not too late and that people could sign up even the night of Relay,” Brown said. “We can raise money through the end of August and it will count toward our goal.”

This year’s theme is “Playing for a Cure,” which will feature classic games, board games and TV shows.

Brown said those with questions can contact the county committee via Facebook at “Covington County Relay for Life.”