Master Gardners’ plant sale next week
Published 12:00 am Friday, April 19, 2013
If the spring planting has its rake claws in you, then mark the calendar for Sat., April 27, for the Covington County Master Gardner’s annual plant sale.
“We’ll have daylilies, hydrangeas, drift roses, native plants, vegetables and more,” said Betty Johnson, master gardener, of the day’s sale, which will be held from 8 a.m., until 12:30 p.m. at the USDA agriculture service center across from the county health department.
“If you’ve got a gardening question, the master gardeners will be on hand to answer whatever it might be at our help desk,” she said.
Soil testing will also be available for $2 per cup.
“I urge you to get to the sale early for the best selection,” Johnson said. “We hope to have a lot of beautiful, blooming plants this year.”