Opp sets 3-year plan for pool, streets, buildings

Published 11:50 pm Monday, July 1, 2013

The Opp City Council introduced a $5.3 million, three-year capital improvement plan Monday that included 13 repaving projects, a new city pool, renovations to the depot and city hall, and a project that could finally bring a travel center to the intersection of U.S. Hwys. 331 and 84.

The plan designated 18 city projects totaling $4.2 million and two utilities board projects totaling $1.1 million. To pay for the projects, the city plans to use gas tax monies, grant funds, private funds and loan proceeds.

Jason Bryan, city planner, said the plan is for projects through 2016.

“This is an acknowledgement of costs for different project and different funding sources,” Bryan said. “It’s a good idea to plan out ahead. This plan is not set in stone. This is just a compilation of the projects we’ve proposed in the past, or have already started.

“We should have a plan on how to spend our money in this year and the next, and this plan takes it out thee years,” he said. “This with the comprehensive plan we recently adopted, it gives people an idea to see what we plan to do in the future.”

Projects include:

• Roadway repairs on Myrtle Loop, Duval Drive, Woodham Circle intersection, West Burgess, Barnes Street, Henderson Street, 4th/7th/Samuel streets, Perry Store Road, Brookside Street, Covington Avenue, Cummings Avenue and Jeffcoat Street.

• Dahlia Park and veteran’s pool. Projected cost $300,000, funded 100 percent by the city;

• Depot rennovations. Projected cost $700,000, with the city contributing $300,000 to the project. The city has applied for grant funds to complete the project.

• Completing industrial park No. 3, located behind Custom Collars. Projected cost to finish the road and a cul de sac is $250,000, with $125,000 contributed by the city.

• improvements at city hall and the police department. Projected cost is $120,000.

• the Crossroads development at the intersection of the U.S. Hwy. 331 and 84. Projected cost to add infrastructure, turning lane and service road, $1.5 million with 100 percent contributed by the city.

Opp Utilities Board projects include:

• a $350,000 sewer rehab project, with $80,000 contributed by the board as grant matching funds; and,

• a $750,000 sewer project that would extend sewer to the U.S. Hwy. 84 East intersection, with the board contributing $125,000 in matching grant funds.