Miss Conecuh River 2014 entries needed
Published 12:00 am Saturday, February 8, 2014
The 25th annual Miss Conecuh River beauty pageant, presented by Straughn Band Boosters, will be held on Sat., April 19, at the Kiwanis Center.
Beginning at 5:30 p.m. are the following age categories:
• Baby Miss: 0-11 months;
• Tiny Miss: 12-23 months;
• Petite Miss: 2-4 years; and,
• Mini Miss: 5-8 years;
Beginning at 7:30 p.m. are the following categories:
• Jr. Miss: 11-13 years;
• Teen Miss: 14-16 years;
• Miss Conecuh River: 17-21 (these contestants must be single and never married).
Deadline is April 4.
For more information, call Amanda Cooper at 334.208.7808 or Joyce Mitchell at 334.504.1174.